
Memorial Day

It is written that Memorial Day is a day set aside as a day of remembrance for fallen brothers (and sisters) in arms. Of late, it has become a three-day weekend, the end of the school year, the start of summer. It’s a day of some flags (depending upon where you are). Honestly, much of today is for working around the house and barbecues with friends. We should all take a moment to reflect upon those who have died in protecting our country; to honor those who do so today, or served and came home and returned to society, or those who unfortunately wander our streets, homeless because of some reason that we cannot or will not understand.

Not many people acknowledge that today is a special day with the simple act of hanging the flag. In the little complex where I now live, only two houses hang a flag. It is sad that people cannot take a moment out of their busy lives that hang a flag, to be thankful and to reflect upon the meaning of the day or what the flag represents. Sadly, to many, respecting our country is a bad thing. The flag is a symbol yes, but there is substance behind it if you take a moment and ponder. And while our country and our history is not perfect, the ideals that founded our nation over 200 years ago ring true today. The freedoms that we take for granted are in jeopardy, and we run the risk of being overrun in a world where there is still evil, a world where there are those who want to take away our rights, our independence, our freedom.

I did not serve but honor those who did!

By themckeespot

I have been writing this blog now for several years. I write about topics that pop into my head, often based upon what is happening in my life, or what I read from the internet, books, or magazines. At least a few people stop and read my posts. And while I do not limit myself to a specific subject matter or theme, it is obvious that I just post about things that have transpired since my last post. I will hope that when you read my ramblings that it puts a smile on your face, causes you to contemplate whatever I write about, or makes you think about commenting.

For me, this is a work in progress. I am a baby boomer nearing retirement and a single parent trying to raise two teenage children. Guess that makes me a late bloomer who married, had kids, then got divorced. For the past few years I have been trying to find my bearings and figure out what the next 50+ years has in store for me. Please come along for the ride, and come back often. We will not be making daily trips, but I will try to write when the urge exists or the muses help me out.

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